
Cloudflare Source Plugin Configuration Reference


This example syncs from Cloudflare to a Postgres destination, using in-line api_token authentication (instead of the CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN environment variable). The (top level) source spec section is described in the Source Spec Reference.

kind: source
# Common source-plugin configuration
  name: cloudflare
  path: cloudquery/cloudflare
  version: "v4.0.0"
  tables: ["*"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]

  # Cloudflare specific configuration

Cloudflare Spec

This is the (nested) spec used by the Cloudflare source plugin.

  • api_token (string, optional. Default: empty): An API token to access Cloudflare resources. This can also be set with the CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN environment variable. An API token authentication is preferred over API email and key authentication. If api_token is specified, api_email and api_key shouldn't be specified.

  • api_email (string, optional. Default: empty): API email to access Cloudflare resources. If api_email is specified, api_key should also be specified. This can also be set with the CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL environment variable. If api_email is used, api_token shouldn't be specified.

  • api_key (string, optional. Default: empty): API key to access Cloudflare resources. If api_key is used, api_email should also be specified. This can also be set with the CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY environment variable. If api_key is used, api_token shouldn't be specified.

  • accounts ([]string, optional. Default: empty): List of accounts to target. If empty, all available accounts will be targeted.

  • zones ([]string, optional. Default: empty): List of zones to target. If empty, all available zones will be targeted.